Company Values – An outdated notion or a way to attract top candidates?
We were visiting the recruitment team of a well known bank a few months ago and one of the first things I noticed was the company values.
They were instantly recoginasble as they were written on the windows and walls of the office, not in a corporate or staged way but in peoples handwriting. Thus becoming an integral part of the company culture and part of every day working life.
Values make your feel valued
In my early 20’s I worked for a well known NZ shoe brand who had a set of company values, to this day I can still recite them. These values were part of our everyday working life.
As managers’ it was our role to instill these values within our stores, teams and ourselves. Inspiring a young workforce into a sense of ownership, these values gave us all something to aspire to. More importantly, these values were not just observed, but believed by everyone, from the Owner & CEO to the Managers, support staff, warehouse workers and beyond.
Why have company values?
Company values not only shape the identity of a business, they act as a guiding light for employees. A guide that builds a foundation of thoughts, values and goals for the future of the business. These values not only shape a business, but play a key role in the attraction of employees, clients and customers.
Looking at the Values of a number of large National and International companies, it is interesting to see the different approaches. Whilst some look a little stern and dated, the majority of Values are interesting, thought provoking, modern and fun. And most importantly, realistic.
Take Build- A -Bear as an example
Reach + Learn + Di-bear-sity + Colla-bear-ate + Give + Cele-bear-ate
Nothing is more fun that building your own personalised teddy bear right? So a set of fun, yet meaningful, values makes complete sense.
We value your values
As recruiters, our job is to find clients the right candidates. And by right I mean
the right
- Skill set
- Personality
- Knowledge
- Transferable skillset
- Attitude
Although job descriptions help, it’s company cultures and company values that help recruiters find the right candidates. Candidates who will believe in the same vision and values as their employer, and the greater team too.
Candidate themselves, especially millenials, are (arguable more than ever?) interested in what a company stands for. Hence, they want to know about beliefs, social and environmental impact and why they should work for you. We are in an age where candidates want to know what they will gain from the business and what a business stands for; and your values will inevitably help share this message.
What do we Value?
Virtue doesn’t have Values written on the walls, however when we were writing our reflection piece 14 years of recruitment there were a number of key words being used and repeated. Virtue was built on a set of values, and 14 years later these values haven’t changed.
Integrity + Communication + Professionalism + Knowledge + Adaptablility + Equality + Virtue
So, are values valued in a modern workplace?
The experts and statistics think so. It has been reported in numerous articles that Values-driven companies achieve better brand and business performance.
‘Company values are the highest values that guide a firm’s actions, unite its employees, and define its brand. Clear core values can help an organisation hire the right people, dismiss the right people, secure high-value customers, navigate through crises, remain accountable to commitments, and serve stakeholders better.’
A value is a vision
Not only does it seems that company values are very much part of a modern day Millenial/Gen Z workplace, but vision statements (nee mission statements) are also more powerful and relevant than ever. OK, they have had a marketing makeover, however it seems that the fundamentals have not changed.
Because people want to believe in their workplace. In a world where we now search for work/life balance, it makes sense that we identify with our workplace on a personal and professional level.
“Connect the world’s professionals…” – LinkedIn
“Create a better everyday life…” – IKEA
Would you value some inspiration?
We value your values, as do your employees, customers and clients.
If this blog has left you feeling inspired to review, revive or even introduce some company or team values, here is a is a great list of 190 companies core values to help get the creative juices flowing.